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as the guy that made the video (abi_art) i would like to kindly say f#ck the FAST GUYS,GREAT GAME BTW


Excellent work, amazing game, everything from the sound to the art is glorious.

Your game has the potential to heal my vampire survivors addiction


Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
There will be more content such as Upgrades, Bosses, Events, Powerups, Enemy-Types (maybe Campaign & challenges)..
so replayability will increase^^


OMG yes, i can't wait




Very nice game! I like the subtle touch that the number of black pixels inside each enemy ship shows how many shots they take to destroy.


Nice you noticed :)

I might come up with another way to display the health of enemies.

(1 edit)

I also noticed the game's acronym!

BTW, thanks for supporting the arrow keys for movement. A lot of developers only impliment WASD and I personally find using my right hand for movement more comfortable.

As for another way of displaying enemy health. I like the simplicity of the game graphics at the moment. Adding health bars to everything would clutter the view I think. A couple of options I can think of are:

Only show a healthbar for enemies that are injured.

Change the colour of the enemies to indicate how damaged they are.

Fade out the enemies as they get more injured. Perhaps keeping a solid outline with just their fill fading.

Thanks a lot for the feedback :)

The game also has full controller support. Mobile controls will be implemented in the future!

You are right - a screen full of health bars would look terreble and may not fit for this game.
Fading out enemies which are injured sound like a thing I could try!

Thanks a lot :)

This game is AWESOME!!! Amazing art-style, nice soundtrack, and the gameplay is so fun! Looking foward to see the updates.

I would love if you could play my game and give me some feedback too, it's called "Touch of Madness":